While you’re sipping your first coffee of the day, here’s some reading that might well change the way you sell. These 30 facts and figures on sales will help you better plan cold call and email prospection campaigns, boost your presentations and help you with closing deals.
Do a quick test to see how you fare against the sales lessons below. If you’ve identified weak points in the way your sales team operates, now’s the time to start transforming them into strengths.
30 compelling statistics on selling :
- The best time for email prospection is between 8am and 3pm. Source:GetResponse
- Thursday is the optimum day for prospecting. Wednesday is second best and Tuesday is the worst. Source: Inside sales
- Sales leaders use LinkedIn 6 hours a week on average. What about you? Source: Jill Konrath
- A salesperson has, on average, only 2 chances to get through to a potential customer. Source: Sirius Decisions
- Only 2% of cold calls result in a sales meeting. Sales lesson: find new ways of reaching those who make buying decisions. Source: Leap Job
- Nurtured leads buy 47% more than non-nurtured leads. Source: The Annuitas Group
- The brain processes visual elements 60,000 times more rapidly than text. Sales lesson: use more images and graphics in your presentations. Source: Neo Mammalian Studios
- Once a presentation is over, 63% of the audience remember the stories. Only 5% remember statistics. Source: Chip y Dan Heath
- 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after a sales visit. 44% of salespeople give up after just one call. Source: The Marketing Donut
- Each year you will lose 14% of your customers. Sales lesson: never stop prospecting. Source:Business Brief
- Jeff Ernst of Forrester Research, Inc., estimates that only 5% of salespeople use a completely automated marketing solution. Source: Forrester Research
- 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales, mostly through lack of lead nurturing. Source: MarketingSherpa
- Only 56% of B2B organisations verify their leads before selling. Source: MarketingSherpa
- Blog? posts of more than 1,500 words on average get 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more likes on Facebook, compared with shorter posts. Source: Hubspot
- YouTube has become the second biggest search engine, ahead of Bing, Yahoo, Ask and AOL. Source: Social Media Today
- Salespeople who blog are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI. Source: Hubspot
- B2B companies prioritize educational media such as blogs and webinars, while consumer companies are more likely to experiment with advanced digital formats including interactive content and online tools. Source: Hubspot
- 83% of companies believe social media are important for their business. Source: Social Media Examiner
- 53% of people who sell via social media don’t measure their success. Source:Awareness, Inc.
- 77% of B2C and 43% of B2B companies acquire customers through Facebook. Source: Hubspot
- Instagram photos with hashtags in their captions attract more likes than photos with no hashtags. Source: Hubspot.
- 36% of all salespeople gained a new customer through Twitter in 2013. Source: Hubspot.
- 48% of salespeople build a new landing page for each sales campaign. Source: MarketingSherpa
- Content marketing generates 3 times more potential customers than traditional outbound marketing, but costs 62% less. Source: Demand Metric
- 71% of B2B companies use content marketing to generate leads. Source:MarketingProfs
- Targeted emails generate 18 times more revenue than regular broadcast emails. Source: Fuente: Jupiter Research
- 49% of B2B salespeople invest more time and resources in email than in any other channel. And 59% of them claim it’s the most effective channel for generating revenue. Source: BtoB Magazine
- Companies that automate lead management increase revenue by at least 10% in 6 to 9 months. Source: Gartner Research
- 24% of consumers who see a mobile-based ad will look for the company online. Source: Millward Brown
- Mobile commerce will represent 24.4% of total e-commerce revenue by the end of 2017. Source: Abiresearch