ForceManager and iOS 10. A New Era in Mobile CRM Technology

2 min read

Along with the iPhone 7, Apple’s iOS 10 release has been its most anticipated to date. Bursting with a host of new features, it’s got everyone excited, especially business professionals. It has the ability to round off the edges of the trickier daily tasks, making work that little more manageable. Take ForceManager for example…

Additions such as a new notification system, integrated iMessage and Spotlight search provide the framework from which ForceManager was able to build the most contextual mobile CRM currently available for field sales reps.

So what can you expect from ForceManager for iOS 10?

A New Notification System

We’ve all been there; running late for a client meeting, eyes strained desperately at our watch or phone screen hoping time will obediently stay still just for a few more minutes. Unfortunately, we’ve failed to see this happen (yet) so we’ve come up with an alternative.

Sales reps now receive a snapshot of their day, accessible straight from the lock screen, giving them instant visibility of all events they have scheduled that day within ForceManager, even before they wake up.

The new notification system also offers advanced notifications, so sales reps will always be reminded of all events, opportunities and tasks. What advanced notifications will they receive?

  • Events: Informing them of a scheduled event time, how long they have left to arrive there, how long it will take, whether by car or on foot, depending on their current location and traffic. Oh, it also calculates the optimum route to the meeting too. Time management made very, very simple.
  • Opportunities: To stay on top of all opportunities, ForceManager will also alert them to any that are either due to, or have already expired.
  • Tasks: Reminders of all pending tasks that day with the option to mark them as done.


A completely unprecedented level of business communication. Thanks to iOS 10’s 3rd party integration, field sales reps and managers can now engage in quick conversation through the ForceManager application as well as exchange opportunities with client and account information. This level of fluid communication is not only intuitive, but saves time of the already time-strained field sales rep.

Caller ID

This neat little feature circumvents the “unknown” caller problem. With field sales reps and managers among some of the busiest professionals on the planet, it’s nigh on impossible to keep track of every contact from each business they’re in touch with.

To answer this ForceManager has utilized iOS 10 to provide Caller ID. All contacts stored within the CRM are now identified by your device regardless of whether or not this information is stored directly on the sales reps contact list.

Widget Redesigned

Staying on top of their daily workload is yet another challenge facing field sales reps. Meeting after meeting, visit after visit, it can be hard to keep track of time.

However, we hope to solve this with a neatly deployed widget from the device’s sliding lateral menu. By simply swiping across, users can interact with their daily schedule, accessing the key information from each appointment in a matter of seconds.

Deep OS Integration

Sometimes software navigation can be a bit of a maze with endless loops around as the user is taken on a journey that leads to well, nowhere frankly. To fix this we’ve fully integrated ForceManager with iOS 10:

  • Smart Suggestions: Sales reps now receive smart suggestions based on their recent use of ForceManager. For example when planning their next routes or visits, a list of recent accounts they’ve viewed or visited will appear.
  • Spotlight: Spotlight now allows users to search for any particular contact, account or opportunity directly from the device’s home screen. To further save time you can always call upon Siri…
  • Siri: Sales reps can now use this intelligent system directly within ForceManager. A simple “Hey Siri” will now schedule events, create tasks and even plan routes!

Still have some questions? Go to our Support Portal, and you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions, as well as articles and videos that explain how ForceManager works. If you prefer you can always contact our team at and we’ll be happy to help!